Senior Pastors David & Sandy Hope
David Hope is a native Houstonian and has lived in the Houston, Texas area his entire life. He has a BBA from the University of Texas and an MBA from the University of Houston. David and his family came to Words of Life Church (then called Metro Church) in 1984 and he was selected as an elder in 1985.
From that time until April 2008 he operated as an Elder and Associate Pastor at Words of Life while working a full – time job and being an ambassador for Christ in the business community. David became the full time Senior Pastor of Words of Life Church after the death of the previous pastor in March 2008.
Pastor David is an experienced street preacher who has gone outside of the church walls where the lost can be found. He has led thousands to Christ, mostly on the inner- city streets of Houston and in the villages of Western Kenya. While in business, David used most of his vacation time to take many mission trips, primarily to Kenya. He ministered in the primary schools of western Kenya in several of his trips. He led over 6600 children to receive Jesus as their Savior in the 2006 trip.
His mission trips were accompanied with the demonstration of God’s power with mighty exploits and miraculous healings. These same miracles are available to people in the U.S.A. too and are waiting for you at Words of Life Church or wherever you are if you will receive them.
God has given Pastor Hope a vision to proclaim the goodness of God to the whole earth. He is not ashamed to be called a prosperity preacher as he believes the Bible really is good news and that “God delights in the prosperity of his servants.” Miracles, signs and wonders follow him wherever he goes.
David and his wife Sandy have been married for over 40 years and have 2 grown children.
Books By David Hope
Unveiling Satan's Plan to Destroy America: How God Will Deliver the USA
After reading David Hope>s newest book, Unveiling Satan’s Plan to
Destroy America, yeah, the second time, I am convinced that certain
of our nation’s public leadership (and those that are clandestine) are in
collusion with Satan directly. And that collusion is to destroy our blessed
nation and to create a global government.
Jesus of Nazareth, Socialist or Capitalist?
Send an Email to Pastor David Hope
We would love to hear from you on your needs for prayer, and we will answer and respond to your your requests.. drop us a line anytime.