Very few Christians think that they might ever get snared into committing Murder, Stealing, Blasphemy, Adultery, Intoxication, and taking drugs. Some Christians live each day refraining from lying, gossiping  or speaking bad about their fellow man.

Fleshly Deception

Everyone is susceptible to fleshly urges, when they are under stress, weary, or having gone through something traumatic. That is where the tempter comes in.

He is the enemy who acts like a friend. He’ll give you reasons why a little fleshly conduct is “all right” and “does no harm” or “what’s wrong with having a little fun”.  These are ways of getting your life a little bit off course and that’s the devil’s goal.

FD – Just a little drink is understandable, after your spouse has unfairly insulted or neglected you. Right? (Sssssss)You don’t have to put up with that. Right? (Sssssss)  A little harmless flirting is going any further. Right? Just glancing at a little smut on the internet while the wife is sleeping doesn’t hurt anybody. Right? (Sssssss)

Emotional Deception

This is another weapon that the devil uses to achieve his goals. It’s not fleshly, it’s soulish, tempting your thinking and emotions. Consider how Eve was tempted to disobey God.

Gen 3:6  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

A tree desired to make one wise.

She ate the fruit and influenced her husband to do the same. There’s nothing wrong with a little taste of this delectable fruit. Right? (Ssssssssss)

When caring people follow their emotions and human logical nature (no matter how innocently), it’s possible to be snared into stepping over the line (just a little bit) and into sin. Which has it’s own rewards.

Though we don’t know if Adam would have sinned without Eve’s influence, he undoubtedly listened to and obeyed her suggestions (and we know where those came from).

Likewise, Christians can get deceived while unaware anything is happening to get them off track.

Since “they will know you by your love” we must stay free from imprudent intimacy, familiarity and unqualified expressions of “love”.

ED – Calling somebody by an endearing name is just being friendly. Right? (Sssssss)

Praying for another Christian is what we’re called to do. So what if their spouse isn’t around? (Sssssss)

Sharing personal facts or talking about one’s personal life could be a sign that things might be beginning to get a little too far off course.

We need to observe and be wary of these signs to keep from deciding it’s alright to “just taste the fruit”.

1Pe 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Note: It’s very hard to be sober, if you’re not sober at the time.

ED – We must realize that the devil will use people who will try to draw you in, to get involved with their problems by “asking you to pray”, so as to transfer the responsibility of solving the problems away from themselves. Eventually they will try to transfer their responsibility to you.

They might confide that you’ve been “sent from God” for them and ask if you will help them through this struggle. They appreciate you and would do anything for you, because they are so grateful.

If you choose to respond to their pleas for help, you must be vigilant that things don’t go further than you can handle.

ED – They eventually need more help and if denied might say, “I thought I could count on you”, “You gave me your word” and eventually “You lied to me”.  You started out trying to do the right thing by them and now you’re being pressured to submit to their desires. Now you are their provider, instead of God.

The Bible shows us an example of this in the Book of Proverbs. Here it’s referring to signing a promissory note, but still applies to emotional deception.

Pro 6:1  My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger,

Pro 6:2  Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

Pro 6:3  Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend (implore).

Pro 6:4  Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.

Pro 6:5  Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter,and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

Surety is more than just being committed (an emotional decision) it’s being responsible for another’s well being and the costs in time and resources needed.

Hebrew word study – stricken hands

ârab – aw-rab’

A primitive root; to braid, that is, intermix; technically to traffic(as if by barter); also to give or be security (as a kind of exchange): – engage, (inter-) meddle (with), mingle (self), mortgage, occupy, give pledges, be (-come, put in) surety, undertake.

Pro 22:26  Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.

Pro 22:27  If thou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee?

Once trapped by your signature (commitment), you are at the mercy of another person’s life decisions.

If you have given your word to another, they might try to use your words against you, twisting them to say what you never said.

The question for someone already involved in this type situation is, “Am I obligated to carry this other person’s burdens?” If not, the Bible says flee the situation or it will cost you something.

Godly Wisdom

God’s wisdom in Proverbs tells us to flee those relationships. People who do this, as a way of life, are said to have a personality disorder, by psychologists. Christian’s may see it as a spiritual or demonic influence or stronghold.

If God has called you to called you to do otherwise, it will be a joy to serve them, if not, the Bible says get away immediately, as if that person is trying to capture you. You will know you have made the right decision, by the peace in your soul after you’re free from them.

Being Used

It’s a hard reality to learn, but other people can and will manipulate you, if you allow them. They will do almost anything to constrain you to do their bidding, including the fleshly deception you would have never previously engaged in. Your peace now comes by satisfying the other person first.

Manipulative people will use various techniques to influence others. These eventually include guilt, accusation, mincing of words, blame shifting, making you feel sorry for them, ingratitude, the silent treatment, hopelessness, pity, and might grow into threats, histrionics and yelling. Just to get their way.

As children of God, our obligation is to point others to God as Provider, not for us to be the source of other peoples happiness.

The Accuser of the Brethren

Thoughts that you can help these people, because you care about them, can be a deception and a snare from the devil, if you’re not wary. Many people have married these people, because of they were pressured into it and ended up suffered years in emotional bondage.

Don’t be intimidated by thoughts that a truly “good person” would care and help them. That is not the Spirit of God speaking to you. Notice the accusations and condemnation in that idea, saying if you do not do this, you are not good.  This is from Satan, the accuser.

We should never be coerced into reacting to that stimulus. Another hard reality is that some people just live off of others. These people may know about Jesus or know Christian doctrines, but haven’t trusted Jesus as their Answer and Provider yet. They believe that their intellect is their gift from God to help them get by.

Rom 8:14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

If you are currently in one off these relationships, don’t condemn yourself. Express yourself. To God, to the people involved, to others. Don’t be ashamed. Be determined. You may have gotten yourself stuck, but the Son will set you free. Trust God that deliverance is His will for you. See and call yourself free.

1Pe 5:7  Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you

God our Father & Jesus our Deliverer.

People must earnestly desire deliverance before it begins. You must be willing to address and speak to the person directly and be firm. Pray for God’s His deliverance, then obey his His directions.

We All have Responsibilities

Our commitments are to God first, our spouse, our families, our jobs and church, before our “neighbor”. We are called to love them. You make the decision how far that responsibility goes. Not them.

Emotional deception can be subtle and gradual, but with it comes a feeling of uneasiness, by which, if we can detect it’s presence, warns us to avoid further involvement. Evil spirits push to get us to act immediately, God’s spirit leads us with peace.

Just as with Adam & Eve, listening to someone’s plea, ignoring God’s word and being deceived into taking action can lead to sin and ultimately death.

As we strive to know and do God’s will, and be led by His Spirit, we can and will have peace of mind, knowing that God will not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.